Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Trevor Likes Me Too

Abby finally sent me this picture. The one I had it looked like he did not like me. But he looks happy here.

Warning: Randomness Ahead

I have a feeling this is going to be a random post of whatever pops into my head. So what has been going on in my life recently? (since it has been a whole week and a half since I posted last....)

1) My cell phone died today! And I hate how much it is bothering me. All the sudden it just won't do anything. After a very long day at the Americana I came home and plugged it in the charger to be greeted with the message "No Battery!". I didn't realize that was possible. I guess I need to get a new one tomorrow. I hope this is inexpensive. And that there is nothing else wrong. Seriously, not having a phone for a day should not be a big deal at all. But it is my only phone and without it, I want to call people more! And I am coming up with all these crazy scenarios of people really needing to get a hold of me, but they can't! Even if I used someone else's phone, I don't know anyone's number because they are all stored in my cell phone! I could call my parent's house. And Americana. That is about it. How sad. Remember the days when you had everyone's phone number memorized? What did we do before cell phones? At least I still have the internet. Then I would really feel cut off from the world. But I don't like that. Maybe we should go back to having no cell phones and no internet. It would make life simpler in some ways. But I would lose touch with a lot of people, and that is not good. Okay, enough with this rant.

2) I am finally feeling better! It took awhile, but I am back to normal. This has finally allowed me to get into the swing of things again, the whole balancing act I am trying to pull off between everything. This past month hasn't been too bad, but it has reached the point in the semester when I need to be studying and working on projects/papers more. Boo. I decided to take tonight off though. (after 12 hours at Americana I deserve it, right?)

3) I really respect the kids I work with. As I am building better relationships with them, and being more in a "social worker" role, I am learning a lot. They have been through things I cannot even imagine. It is amazing really. A lot more running through my mind about all of that, but this isn't the place for it!

4) My co-workers are fun.

5) I am now a Louisville Urban Corps board member. I go to my first meeting tomorrow night. Hopefully we can contiune this program and have participants next year.

6) Lost is returning next week! But I have a feeling the love/hate relationship is going to contiune.

7) Today I had the thought that I wish all I had to do was watch TV and play Wii. Ok, I could throw work into there, but once I come home from work, all I have to do is watch TV and play Wii. That would be the life. I don't have cable, but while I was sick I discovered there are quite a few good shows on network TV that I would be watching if I only had the time. sigh.

8) I hate insurance companies and Worker's Comp is really stupid.

9) Ok, I will explain that one a little more....I got a letter in the mail the other day that said while they will cover the treatment I have received at the second chiropractor, the treatment I received at the first place was deemed "not medically necessary" and therefore not covered. What the hell? Seriously. They treated me for the exact same problem and did the exact same thing! But they aren't in their network, although I was told they would pay for everything up to the point I learned this. Liars. And I am feeling better, so I can no longer be covered under worker's comp, although contiuned treatment would be highly beneficial for me. It has been a few weeks and I am feeling it. I am going next week, but I don't think it is covered. And I don't have the money to pay for it. And somehow I have to figure out how the first five weeks is going to be paid for (15 visits). I filed an appeal. They told me that decision will be final and I ended with a threatening "we'll see about that" and hung up. I'll keep you posted.

10) I am really thirsty right now.

11) I like Indian food now! I only had it once, which was two years ago. That was a bad experience (a lunch buffet followed by a back of the van ride and then vomiting). I avoided it since then. But this past weekend was a friend's birthday, and they were going out to an Indian restaurant, so I had to face my fears. But I loved it! Good stuff.

12) I am done with Taco Bell for life. Never again. It caused me to vomit Friday night. I was afraid for a little bit I had food poisoning. Maybe I will change my mind in a couple of years.

13) I found out the best secret the other day that has really made my life easier during this cold weather. That is all I can say.

14) Is it the weekend yet??

15) I am going home next weekend! I have to get a cavity filled (not fun), but it is a good excuse to take a Friday off work and go home for a three day weekend (and my mom's insurance will pay for it there, even better).

16) This needs to end. It is time for some posture pumping and bed.

17) Questions? Comments? Did anyone make it to the end?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sick of Being Sick

I think this was the title of one of my posts way back when I had strep throat. Well this still holds true, but this time I have an upper respiratory infection, which is equally no fun. Thankfully I did not wait as long to go to the doctor this time to get medicine for it. It suddenly hit me Tuesday evening while I was helping kids with homework at Americana. I somehow drug myself to work Wednesday morning and survived for a few hours on Theraflu. (the problem is if I don't show up, there is no one to open the building!) I left work early and spent the next couple of days sleeping and watching Buffy episodes. It is nice to have a chance to relax, but not so nice considering how crappy I felt and that I am getting behind on things. Luckily it happened in the beginning of the semester, so school work is not much of an issue. There were several things I was hoping to accomplish during my practicum hours last week, but I only had three of them, so that didn't work out. Other than missing practicum, I also missed work, which means no money. So that is bad too. I make enough to cover my bills and that is about it, so I will be pulling money from other sources to pay my rent next month. I was lucky not to get sick last semester. I am feeling better now, but still not the best. I am not sure how this week will go. My schedule is not an easy one. There will be no relaxing after today. I am not sure my body is ready for that. I spent the majority of this weekend doing nothing, which was needed. But I did venture out of the house Friday night for a poker game with my coworkers. I did not win a single hand for the first 3/4 of the game, and this picture was taken right after I finally won a hand! ( I should mention the last time we got together and played I did not win a hand the whole night, and was the only one). I did not end up winning, but got 3rd place, which isn't too bad. Alright, back to studying now.

Oh wait, I have to complain about something first. One of my issues with the student health center on campus is parking. Ok, I am sick. Really sick. I am having trouble breathing and barely have the energy to stand up. Do they have parking anywhere near the student health center? Of course not. On top of that, I am expected to pay for parking to go to a doctor? I don't think so. Even so, the closest paid parking was all full. If I had followed the rules, I would have had to park pretty far from the student health center. Instead, I just parked at the McDonald's across from campus. I still had to walk a good 5-10 minutes though, in freezing cold weather (yes, it actually felt like winter that day). The walk was rather harsh on my sore throat and breathing difficulty. Don't you think they should have parking for sick people by the health center?? Just a thought. I also think I could have been prescribed some better medicine for my problem, but oh well.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy MLK Day

I like this whole go to school for one week then get a three day holiday weekend thing. But it is just teasing me. However, I did enjoy the weekend. The first week back to school, work and practicum was okay. I am still not completely out of vacation mode, so going back to school was a wake up call. This semester will be pretty much the same as the last - so yeah, we'll see if I can handle it as well again. Not much new to report, except I no longer have a Friday evening class which is glorious. What was I thinking?? Now all my classes are on Monday and Tuesday. I am going to try really hard to fit working out in my schedule now. Of course that is what I always say after New Years. I no longer have to go to the chiropractor two or three times a week which gives me a little extra time. I had a re-exam last week, I am doing much better. I don't have to go back in for a month, but I am still in a little bit of pain. I guess it will always be this way??

Anyways, back to this weekend. Chad and Joel returned to Louisville for their 4th and 3rd times, respectively. Does this inspire anyone who has yet to visit?? We took our traditional picture holding up Reba's picture (the missing link), but I decided not to post it because I don't like the way I look in it, ha. So here is a random one of me instead, taken last weekend I believe. Chad and Joel's visit was fun as always. Basically I just had them tag along to all the things I would have done this weekend if they weren't here. They are past the "tourist" phase. We did go out for some Vietnamese and Ethopian food though. And it was delicious as always. I have been out to eat way too many times these past couple weeks, which is something that soon needs to stop (too expensive for me these days). Chad and Joel also provided me with several installments of juicy Bluffton gossip. Seriously. Crazy Mennonites. Well we had a good time and kept busy, I don't need to bore you with anymore details. After they left this evening I enjoyed my former Sunday night tradition - crying at Extreme Home Makeover and being amused by Desperate Housewives. This will definitely be the last time that is going to happen for awhile (ok I usually do stop studying for Desperate Housewives, but not for both). I have all day for reading tomorrow, oh joy. Oh yeah, there was one slight stress with getting my last online prerequisite done that I put off for way too long, but it turned out okay. I passed the test with an 83% today. Hallelujah!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

What happened to the Maria who wrote blogs?

This is for Reba, who was worried that I no longer wrote blogs. I go back to school tomorrow. Part of me really does not want to go. I don’t know if I am up for my crazy schedule again. But I know I will make it. I enjoyed this last week of just work and no school. I was able to get together with some former coworkers which was fun, who can be seen in the picture. My last weekend of freedom was also enjoyable. If you are bored sometime and need a good laugh, I highly recommend R Kelly’s Rap-opera. Even better if you throw a couple beers into the mix. It is only 30 minutes of your time and it is hilarious, and I am still confused about whether or not it was supposed to be serious. So that was Friday night. Yesterday our friend Emily was in town and it was nice to hang out with her again. Then today I got to enjoy some Firefly and Wii. Has anyone played Wii? It is so much fun! I did tennis and bowling. This was my last weekend homework free for quite sometime. I am very sad about this. But like I said, I will survive. Hopefully. Well this is all for now, I have to be at work at 8 a.m. tomorrow. No fun.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Contrast of Cleanliness

Alisa's computer is only a hop, skip and a jump away from Dan's reach.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Some Pictures

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. I am back in Louisville now and am quite sad that it is over. I really enjoyed the two weeks at home and was was not quite ready to head back. It was the longest I have been in Columbus since I moved to Kentucky...maybe I just got a little too comfortable! How wonderful it was to just have to spend time with friends and family. No work, school, cooking, or cleaning to worry about. It was glorious. I go back to work tomorrow and am really not looking forward to it. I am sure I will get back into the swing of things, I just had so much fun at home I did not want it to end. I don't start classes again until the 8th, so at least I have one more week before the craziness begins. My schedule is pretty much the same.

Some highlights of my second week of vacation:
~the traditional Christmas Eve service where Denise, my dad, and I all played the piano
~a great Christmas with my family (and again I was blessed with more than enough)
~a trip to Laura's to reunite with the Bluffton girls and I finally got to meet Trevor! (who was adorable)
~my first visit to a line dancing bar, it was a good time
~a trip to Bluffton to celebrate Christmas with my grandma and that side of the family. I walked around campus bit, nothing has changed.
~and of course Vicki's wedding!! Including the bachelorette party, rehersal dinner and all the fun that led up to the actual event. I had so much fun and we danced the whole night long. It was great to have all my friends together. I am sad that it is over! It was a great wedding to be a part of. And by the way, I did not catch the boquet! We went a little crazy over it and it was actually ripped into several pieces! Adam (my "date") did catch the garter though. He gave it to me because he didn't know what to do with it. So it is kind of like I caught something, have to keep up the tradition!

I drove back here New Year's Eve day and rang in 2007 with my Louisville friends. It was a fun party, but I had to leave a little early since my housemate was feeling sick. Oh well.

Did I mention I don't want to go back to work tomorrow?

Oh yeah, the photographers at Vicki's wedding already posted some of their pictures on their blog (yes they have a blog!). I can't wait to see them all, looks like they did a really good job. Here is the link if you are interested.

And I will also put up some pictures of my own. But maybe not tonight because blogger is being weird.