Where Have all the Bloggers Gone??

I never knew how much fun a box of old dance recital costumes could be. I had this brilliant idea last time I was home to bring them back to Kentucky with me so I could do a "fashion shoot" with the little girls. They often get jealous that they are too young to be in my girls group (which is for middle school girls) and ask why I never do anything fun with them. So yesterday was their turn. It was a good time. And I took so many pictures. I am actually doing something similar with my girls group tomorrow and throwing in some lessons about self-esteem in there.
I actually took a moment to check everyone's blogs and realized no one has blogged since February, except Reba. Where have all the bloggers gone? I haven't blogged since March 8 myself. I decided to procrastinate a little and blog so I could say I blogged more than once this month! It's amazing how fast March has gone.
I am feeling pretty overwhelmed with school right now. It's that time of year when papers and projects are constantly due and I am going a little crazy!! But my last day of class is April 23 so it is coming to an end. I will actually be relieved a little sooner: my last project is due April 17 and my last day of practicum at Americana is April 19. I have to keep reminding myself this so I can get through it. After that, I will simply be working at Americana. How nice that seems. I hope to get enough hours to be almost full time this summer so I don't have to get another job, but alas, it depends on funding (of course). Maybe even I am only working part-time I won't get another job and just be a bum! But that might not be good for my bank account. I am hoping for enough hours in once place so I don't have to juggle two jobs.
I was looking at my last blog and I did get to have a couple of fun weekends thrown in the midst of all this craziness. The first day that the weather was really nice here (which has been like three weeks now), me and several coworkers went on a spontaneous camping trip at Otter Creek Park not too far away. Most of us did not stay the night, but were there until like 3 in the morning. It was the perfect weather for enjoying the outdoors, without the bugs! Our friend Brian was in town for about a week over my spring break which means there was a party every single night. Even though I was on spring break at this time, I only made it to a couple of them. Then I went home for a weekend for a bridal shower, which is always nice, but too short. I can't wait until I can go home for a weekend and not have to worry about school work. I've pulled a couple of "almost" all nighters lately to finish up projects, presentations and papers. I still don't think I have quite pulled an all-nighter in all these years of school. I always get at least two to three hours of sleep in there.
I love this weather and the beautiful blooming trees, but my allergies hate it. I woke up with my eyes swollen shut yesterday. It was awesome. I need to get back on some prescription strength medicine. Not feeling my best plus all this school work plus having a million things to do at work has made me kind of loopy/stressed. I am trying to make the best out of it though. I just can't emphasize how much I need some rest and relaxation right now. But I have to wait three weeks for that. Seems like an eternity. Speaking of that, time to work one of my several papers.....
Please leave me nice comments reminding me it will all be over soon! (only to start over again in four months!!)