Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. I am back in Louisville now and am quite sad that it is over. I really enjoyed the two weeks at home and was was not quite ready to head back. It was the longest I have been in Columbus since I moved to Kentucky...maybe I just got a little too comfortable! How wonderful it was to just have to spend time with friends and family. No work, school, cooking, or cleaning to worry about. It was glorious. I go back to work tomorrow and am really not looking forward to it. I am sure I will get back into the swing of things, I just had so much fun at home I did not want it to end. I don't start classes again until the 8th, so at least I have one more week before the craziness begins. My schedule is pretty much the same.

Some highlights of my second week of vacation:
~the traditional Christmas Eve service where Denise, my dad, and I all played the piano
~a great Christmas with my family (and again I was blessed with more than enough)
~a trip to Laura's to reunite with the Bluffton girls and I finally got to meet Trevor! (who was adorable)
~my first visit to a line dancing bar, it was a good time
~a trip to Bluffton to celebrate Christmas with my grandma and that side of the family. I walked around campus bit, nothing has changed.
~and of course Vicki's wedding!! Including the bachelorette party, rehersal dinner and all the fun that led up to the actual event. I had so much fun and we danced the whole night long. It was great to have all my friends together. I am sad that it is over! It was a great wedding to be a part of. And by the way, I did not catch the boquet! We went a little crazy over it and it was actually ripped into several pieces! Adam (my "date") did catch the garter though. He gave it to me because he didn't know what to do with it. So it is kind of like I caught something, have to keep up the tradition!

I drove back here New Year's Eve day and rang in 2007 with my Louisville friends. It was a fun party, but I had to leave a little early since my housemate was feeling sick. Oh well.

Did I mention I don't want to go back to work tomorrow?

Oh yeah, the photographers at Vicki's wedding already posted some of their pictures on their blog (yes they have a blog!). I can't wait to see them all, looks like they did a really good job. Here is the link if you are interested.

And I will also put up some pictures of my own. But maybe not tonight because blogger is being weird.


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Abby said...

Which Adam was your date?

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Maria said...

ha, the only one I still talk to, who I dated briefly freshman year

At 1:08 PM, Blogger abby said...

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At 1:10 PM, Blogger abby said...

Great pictures! I really like the one of you with the camera! Congrats to Vicki!! She looked beautiful!


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