Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Sons and Daughters

I went home this past weekend for Denise's birthday (I had to make up for missing it last year because I was in Europe - yes that's right, last year at this time I was in Paris) And exciting news, I just found out that I will most likely be making another trip to Europe next summer (in 2007) - to Switzerland and France with my family. Maybe I can make it to Bangladesh as well.... Anyways, Denise's birthday is actually today, she is 12, hard to believe! And having her first boy/girl party this Friday. Not sad I am missing that! But I had a great time at home. I didn't have to work as late on Friday so I got home at a decent time and then made the drive back Monday morning. And my mom bought me the Rent soundtrack (double disc version), so I had something to entertain me on the road. And I am listening to the music right now. And I listened to it at work today. I must admit, I am a little obsessed. I love it! Why did it take me so long to discover this musical? Well back to home...I got a chance to see my friends, even Vicki who was home from law school, so that was nice. Yeah nothing exciting, but it was a good time. I realized I have gone home every month since Thanksgiving for one reason or another, and it is a little much, just because of the long drive and gas money - it's not as easy as the trip from Bluffton! But I always enjoy my time there, so I guess it is worth it!

So you may be wondering what this has to do with my title and the answer is nothing. I will get to that now. I recently came to the realization that I am in love with several of the kids I work with. I feel like they are my children. Is this normal? One of my co-workers and I actually refer to them as our sons and daughters. For example, the other day Louise said to me "Hey, our son is here early" and I knew exactly who she was talking about. Louise and I have a few kids together now. I try very hard not to show favortism though. It wasn't so easy today. My son Jamal was crying because someone stole his CDs and I felt so bad for him! I mean he had tears streaming down his face. He showed me who took them and let's just say I was not very nice to this guy (plus, he isn't one of my sons!) He was older and claimed that Jamal stole his homework first, but I assumed he was lying. Which he probably was. But I should probably talk to my son tomorrow to make sure he isn't stealing people's homework. In addition to Jamal, I have also decided that Juma, James, Fatuma, Amina, Ibrahim, and Gesma are also my children. The list will surely grow. I haven't heard back from grad schools, so I have yet to make my decision. But my children are one reason it would be hard to leave Louisville after only a year. I have to see them grow up! Laura - do you feel this attached to the kids you teach? Maybe not since you have your own on the way, and you have to see them for longer periods of time in a very different setting.

Exercise update: Ok so I am not exercising every day like I said, but I am defnitely working out more often which is a good thing. I already feel better. I did manage to do Pilates tonight, although I think I should wait a little longer between dinner and exercising next time! That's what sucks about getting home at 7. I could get up early to work out, but you know that is never going to happen.


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Maybe I'm mistaken, but you're job seems pretty active. Isn't working with kids a workout?

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Maria said...

oh I definitely get a work out with these kids, I am always running around the building and going up and down three flights of stairs, but according to our former personal trainer, that's not enough!

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I really can relate to what you are saying, Maria. Some of my students, I just wish they really were my kids so I could give them love and a happy family. Also, I realized the other day how attached I have gotten to them when one of my students asked, "But aren't you coming back after you have the baby? You won't be gone for the rest of the school year, will you?" It really broke my heart, because they are not looking forward to their substitute. It was almost enough to make me say, "Sure, I'll come back." But I know my real baby will need me more than they will. I really am going to miss them a lot though. Well, most of them :)

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Maria said...

Laura - thanks for your comment! I am glad to hear you can relate. Now I don't think I am crazy! I totally understand when you say you wish you could take them in - I know a lot of these kids don't come from a happy family, and I want to give them one!

P.S. Did you get my present?

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Abby said...

I can relate to from being a camp counselor. Even after just one full week, I missed some of the kids so much when it was over. That's good though, it shows you care about your job and the kids!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Yes, Maria, we got the present you sent. It is wonderful and very appreciated! Thank you! The baby will be so happy that you will be helping him to be clean!

At 8:52 PM, Blogger abby said...

I went to teach second graders today. I'm a "Junior Acheivement Volunteer" (mandatory volunteerism = oxymoron!) It was fun though, but I don't know how you two do it working with kids like that on a daily basis. After 30 minutes they were out of control!!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Abby Mo - If it makes you feel any better, I don't think there is anyway I could handle a whole class of second graders! That is why I chose middle school. They can sit still for at least a little while, but they just do it with more attitude :)


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