Saturday, October 08, 2005

My connection to Adolph Hitler

First of all I would like to share that I have been up since 9:00 a.m. this wonderful Saturday morning, and I didn't have to be. Does this shock anyone? I am a little surprised myself. I woke up because I had to pee (not surprising), and decided to stay up because a) Chad & Joel are arriving at some point this morning and I am not really sure when and b) I was soooooo hungry! This might have something to do with the fact that I threw up all my dinner last night. The doctor warned me nausea might be a side effect of my antibiotics, but I did not realize actually vomiting would be involved. No fun. However I am happy to report that I feel better this morning then I have in over a week and I am looking forward to a fun weekend.

Now back to the title of my blog. My housemates & I took the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator test the other week. Yesterday morning in seminar we got back our results and discussed them. I am pretty sure we did this in first year seminar at Bluffton, but I didn't remember what I was and our conversation was much more in-depth and intersesting this time around. I am a "ENFJ": extravert, intuitive, feeling, and judging (which does NOT mean judgemental, rather that I am an organized person who plans things). We got two pages describing our personality type, and I think it was pretty accurate. Here is my little paragraph description: "Responsive and responsible. Generally feel real concern for what others think or want, and try to handle things with due regard for other person's feelings. Can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease and tact. Sociable, popular, sympathetic. Responsive to praise and criticism." What do you guys think?

What I thought was interesting is the combination "NF" (intuitive feeling) is found in less than 12% of the population! (in the U.S.) We are the rare type. And that is what most of my housemates are. We are the "flakes" of the population according to Susan. You know, the ones who are visionary & want to change the world & care more about helping others than making money! We also got a sheet of paper listing people in history that had our personality types. First on the list of ENFJs is Adolph Hitler! Scary! But also listed are Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, and Ronald Reagan, so I guess that make me feel a little better. :)

Chad & Joel are 25 miles from Louisville!


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

I'm catching up on the blogs...and I'm so excited to hear that you made dinner and saw lots of art. Tell Chad and Joel hi for me!

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Abby said...

Wow, I lived with Hitler for two years? LOL

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Laura said...

You seem to have not reached your peak as Hitler yet.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger abby said...

I'm glad to hear that your cold is improving (minus the obvious vomiting issue.) Just so you know, Antonio is flying back to KY for another week and I broke down and gave him your number, so enjoy!! lol - BE GOOD!
P.S. Laura - you crack me up!

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Suzanna said...

Who is Antonio?? And I find it interesting that MLK and Hitler had the same personalities!

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Abby said...

I noticed you're avoiding our questions about Antonio...

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Does Maria even know Antonio yet?

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Maria said...

No I don't know Antonio yet. He left me a message today but I haven't called him back yet...

And in response to Suzanna's comment...I also found it odd at first that Hitler and MLK had the same personality..but when you think about it, they were both great leaders who persuaded people to their of their causes was good, the other happened to be extremely evil.

At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were you, I would be equally concerned about being like Billy Graham and Ronald Reagan...but I'm sure that would make your dad and grandma proud to hear that.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Maria said...

ha ha Vicki, I agree


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