Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Job Description

First of all, I have no idea why my links have fallen to the bottom of my blog and if anyone knows how to get them back up it would be greatly appreciated.

I can now tell people what I will be doing my year here in Louisville. My official titles are "facilities manager" and "after school program staff" at the Americana Community Center. As I have mentioned before, my place of employment is connected to the building I live in, which is extremely convenient. To get to work, I walk down a flight of stairs and turn left. My other roommates have to leave at least 45 minutes early to take a bus downtown (which is only a 10-15 min. drive, but as I mentioned the bus system is not the most efficient, but cheaper and better for the envrionment :) As to what my job entails: I come in 10-1 for the official sounding part of my job. Basically, I do the scheduling (lots of events take place there) and make contracts for those using the center to sign..and whatever other office type tasks need done. Then I come back from 3-7 for the after school program. Right now we have about 30-40 kids coming, but the number is expected to grow to around 60-70. Almost all the kids are minorities, representing many different countries and religions. The past two days I have been in the library helping kids with their homework, jogging my memory on fun things like least common multiples. We also have a game room, gym, art room, and computer lab. I will be stationed somewhere different every day. This will be the more exciting/challenging part of my job. If you did the math, I am scheduled 7 hours a day. However, there will be many days I will end up working more than this for one reason or another. For example, I was there today for nine hours because I had to attend an hour long staff meeting and come in early to organize things for the after school program. All the staff is really nice and I am sure I will enjoy working with them. A lot of those on the after school staff are college students or recent college grads like myself so maybe I will make new friends! The community center has only been open for two and a half years and it has been understaffed for most of them, so things are kind of crazy around there, so I do not think I will ever be bored.

Since we do not have cable, it has become a ritual for my roommates and I to watch Jeopardy at 7:30 every night. We have rushed through dinner the past two nights in order to watch it, which I find very amusing. And one of my other roommates likes Buffy, so we decided to start watching it tonight. All my roommates actually joined us for the first episode of the third season (since I do not own the 1st of 2nd I did a quick recap for them). I don't think all of them appreciate the show like I do, but two of them stayed for another episode!


At 3:38 PM, Blogger Laura said...

YEAH Jeopardy!!! Bob and I watch quite frequently as well because we also do not have cable. I think we are the only people on earth refraining from purchasing cable and cell phones. Though, we did finally give in to high speed internet :(


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