Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm a dork

I just got home from work and I thought I would post to announce I finished the Harry Potter book last night and it was so sad!! I was nervous about the ending, I actually was feeling sick to my stomach. And then it happened..and I bawled, seriously. Imagine me sitting in my room at 2 in the morning crying my eyes out over Harry Potter. Who knew I was such a dork?? Then I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking about what happened!!! I don't think anyone who looks at my blog reads Harry Potter (except Denise, and you need to finish it so we can discuss it!) I think you all should read them, all six books. Go out and get them, right now. They are amazing books. If they weren't, I would not be so emotionally involved. I can't remember the last time I cried over a book. I'm such a loser!! Another reason I am a dork...two of my friends asked me to do something after work tonight but instead I am at home updating my blog! I have to get up early tomorrow for church (Denise and I are playing a duet for special music) and then I go straight to work with Will, which does take some energy. So it probably is a smart decision to get some sleep instead of going out. Oh, one more thing. I discovered at work tonight that two shots of espresso gets rid of a bad headache! (and makes you jumpy) I suppose I should try to sleep now.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Rebekah said...

That is so cute! I really want to read all of Harry Potter, and I now have time to. But how can I fit all those books in my suitcase?

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Rebekah said...

That is so cute! I really want to read all of Harry Potter, and I now have time to. But how can I fit all those books in my suitcase?

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Suzanna said...

Yeah, watch it with the shots of espresso...I had a friend who worked at Starbucks and he used to have contests with ones of his friends. One day his parents came in and he was so jumpy they thought he was doing drugs :)!!

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Maria said...

ha ha that's funny, I can see how that would happen

At 8:23 PM, Blogger abby said...

My condolences for your sad ending with Harry. (LOL)

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Maria should make a commercial advertising Harry Potter books! Because of your blog, I now want to read them!

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Abby said...

I don't...
But I'm sure you expected that.
You could still try the commercial thing, I'm sure the other 99.9% of the world would read it.


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